My third Belgian beer
Vanhonsebrouck brewery
All the kasteel beers they brew look very good and interesting
A Tripel is a strong pale ale
11 percent APV
Low carbonation
Color is a gold orange, the head is gone almost entirely after 4 minutes.
Smell is of caramel malts, fruity yeasts, and... burnt sugar? Weak smell, alcohol not present in smell.
Taste is a combination of sweet and toasted. I also taste brown sugar, pilsner malt definitely but sweeter, and some floral hops.
Is is much more bitter than sweet however.
It's bite is very short lived, and follows by a sweet aftertaste.
Very much surprised by this beer, and wasn't expecting it to be very special after trying the Duvel.
This is my favorite Belgian beer so far by a mile!
I would have normally guessed this to be a beer at 6.5 ABV; the 11% was surprisingly not there.
If I had to make a comparison, it reminded me a bit of a mix of the Iron Maiden beer and the Duvel in terms of taste.
Highly recommend, and I will be reviewing more from this brewery!
Quick note, this beer is suppose to be chilled at 9 degrees celsius or 48 Fahrenheit.